\name{hidePanel} \alias{hidePanel} \alias{hidePanel,CytoscapeConnectionClass-method} \title{hidePanel} \description{ The specified panel will be hidden, and no longer visible in the Cytoscape Desktop of, if floating, elsewhere on the computer screen. The \code{panelName} parameter is very flexible: a match is defined as a case-independent match of the supplied panelName to any starting characters in the actual panelName. Thus, 'd' and 'DA' both identify 'Data Panel'. } \usage{ hidePanel(obj, panelName) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeConnectionClass} object. } \item{panelName}{a character string, providing a partial or complete case-independent match to the start of the name of an actual panel. } } \value{ Nothing. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ floatPanel dockPanel hideAllPanels } \examples{ cy <- CytoscapeConnection () hidePanel (cy, 'Control Panel') # or hidePanel (cy, 'c') } \keyword{graph}