\name{getLayoutNames} \alias{getLayoutNames} \alias{getLayoutNames,CytoscapeConnectionClass-method} \title{getLayoutNames} \description{ Retrieve the names of the currently supported layout algorithms. These may be used in subsequent calls to the 'layout' function. Note that some of the more attractive layout options, from yFiles, cannot be run except from the user interface; their names do not appear here. } \usage{ getLayoutNames(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeConnectionClass} object. } } \value{ A list of character strings, e.g., "jgraph-circle" "attribute-circle" "jgraph-annealing" } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ getLayoutNameMapping getLayoutNames getLayoutPropertyNames getLayoutPropertyType getLayoutPropertyValue setLayoutProperties } \examples{ cy <- CytoscapeConnection () getLayoutNames (cy) # [1] "jgraph-circle" "attribute-circle" "jgraph-annealing" ... } \keyword{graph}