\name{getAdjacentEdgeNames} \alias{getAdjacentEdgeNames} \title{ getAdjacentEdgeNames } \description{ Given one or more node names, this method returns the 'cy2-style' names of the immediately adjacent edges -- suitable for being passed, for instance, to selectEdges, and thereby extending the selection. } \usage{ getAdjacentEdgeNames(graph, node.names) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{An R graph} \item{node.names}{character strings} } \value{ Zero or more cy2-style edge names. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \seealso{ cy2.edge.names, selectEdges, getSelectedNodes, selectFirstNeighborsOfSelectedNodes } \examples{ g <- makeSimpleGraph () print (nodes (g)) print (getAdjacentEdgeNames (g, 'A')) } \keyword{graph}