\name{floatPanel} \alias{floatPanel} \alias{floatPanel,CytoscapeConnectionClass-method} \title{floatPanel} \description{ The specified panel will 'float' detached from its 'home' position in the Cytoscape Desktop. As of this writing (10 aug 2010) the panel will tenaciously claim the topmost (visual) position on the screen... The \code{panelName} parameter is very flexible: a match is defined as a case-independent match of the supplied panelName to any starting characters in the actual panelName. Thus, 'd' and 'DA' both identify 'Data Panel'. } \usage{ floatPanel(obj, panelName) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeConnectionClass} object. } \item{panelName}{a character string, providing a partial or complete case-independent match to the start of the name of an actual panel. } } \value{ Nothing. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ hidePanel dockPanel } \examples{ cy <- CytoscapeConnection () floatPanel (cy, 'Control Panel') # or with less typing floatPanel (cy, 'c') } \keyword{graph}