\name{eda} \alias{eda} \title{ eda } \description{ Obtain the value of the specified edge attribute for every edge in the graph. } \usage{ eda(graph, edge.attribute.name) } \arguments{ \item{graph}{typically, a bioc graphNEL object} \item{edge.attribute.name}{a character string} } \details{ The edge.attribute.name may be obtained from the function, eda.names. } \value{ A list, the contents of which are the attribute values, the names of which are the names of the edges. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \seealso{ eda.names } \examples{ g <- makeSimpleGraph() eda (g, 'edgeType') ## The function is currently defined as function (graph, edge.attribute.name) { unlist (sapply (names (edgeData (graph)), function (n) edgeData (graph)[[n]][[edge.attribute.name]])) } # eda } \keyword{graph}