\name{cy2.edge.names} \alias{cy2.edge.names} \title{ cy2.edge.names } \description{ Bioconductor graph edges are named, i.e., A~B. The same edge in the Cytoscape domain would be 'A () B', where '' might be 'phosphorylates' or 'represses'. } \usage{ cy2.edge.names(graph, R.edge.names=NA) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{graph}{An R graph} \item{R.edge.names}{one or more R graph-style edge names. default NA, in which case all edges in the graph are translated to cy2-style.} } \value{ A named list, in with Cytoscape edges names are the content, and bioc graph edge names are their names. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \examples{ g <- makeSimpleGraph () cy2.edge.names (g) # A~B B~C C~A # "A (phosphorylates) B" "B (synthetic lethal) C" "C (undefined) A" cy2.edge.names (g, R.edge.names="B~C") # B~C # "B (synthetic lethal) C" } \keyword{graph}%