\name{createWindowFromSelection} \alias{createWindowFromSelection} \alias{createWindowFromSelection,CytoscapeWindowClass-method} \title{createWindowFromSelection} \description{ All selected nodes, their connecting edges, and associated attributes are copied into a new CytoscapeWindow, with the supplied title. } \usage{ createWindowFromSelection(obj, new.windowTitle, return.graph) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object. } \item{new.windowTitle}{a \code{String}.} \item{return.graph}{an \code{logical} object.} } \value{ A new CytoscapeWindow object, with the graph slot populated with the new selected subgraph, if requested. If not requested, the graph slot holds an empty graph. } \author{Paul Shannon} \seealso{ selectNodes } \examples{ cy <- CytoscapeConnection () title <- 'createWindowFromSelection demo' cw <- new.CytoscapeWindow (title, makeSimpleGraph ()) displayGraph (cw) redraw (cw) layoutNetwork(cw) selectNodes (cw, c ('A', 'C')) new.window.title <- 'NEW WINDOW' if (new.window.title \%in\% as.character (getWindowList (cy))) deleteWindow (cy, new.window.title) c2 <- createWindowFromSelection (cw, new.window.title, TRUE) redraw (c2) layoutNetwork(c2) clearSelection (c2) selectNodes (c2, 'C') print (getSelectedNodeCount (c2)) # should be 1 } \keyword{graph}