\name{createWindow} \alias{createWindow} \alias{createWindow,CytoscapeWindowClass-method} \title{createWindow} \description{ Request that Cytoscape create a new window for the supplied CytoscapeWindowClass object. It will hold a new network, using the title supplied when the object's constructor was called. This method will probably not often be useful: it is called behind the scenes by the CytoscapeWindow constructor unless you specify (in calling the constructor) 'create.window=FALSE'. In that case, or if you interactively delete the window in Cytoscape, or if you call the 'destroyWindow' or 'destroyAllWindows' methods, you can create a new window by calling this method. } \usage{ createWindow(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{a \code{CytoscapeWindowClass} object. } } \value{ Nothing. } \author{Paul Shannon} \keyword{graph}