\name{CytoscapeConnection} \alias{CytoscapeConnection} \title{ CytoscapeConnection } \description{ The constructor for the CytoscapeConnectionClass. This class is both the base class for CytoscapeWindow objects, and quite usefully, and instantiable object in its own right. It is very useful for calling the many RCytoscape methods which do not address a single window in particular: getWindowList, getWindowCount, deleteWindow, getNodeShapes, etc. } \usage{ CytoscapeConnection (host = "localhost", rpcPort = 9000) } \arguments{ \item{host}{ Defaults to 'localhost', this is the domain name of a machine which is running Cytoscape with the appropriate XMLRPC server plugin. } \item{rpcPort}{ Defaults to 9000, this may be any port to which the CytoscapeRPC server is listening. } } \value{ An object of the CytoscapeConnection Class. } \author{ Paul Shannon } \seealso{ ping version msg clearMsg getWindowCount getWindowID getWindowCount getWindowList deleteWindow deleteAllWindows getNodeShapes getAttributeClassNames getLineStyles getArrowShapes getLayoutNames haveNodeAttribute haveEdgeAttribute getGraphFromCyWindow hidePanel dockPanel floatPanel } \examples{ cy <- CytoscapeConnection () deleteAllWindows (cy) getNodeShapes (cy) hidePanel (cy, 'Control') } \keyword{ graph }