\name{is.multiple} \alias{is.multiple} \title{Find multiple-charged polypeptides.} \description{ For each of the polypeptides in a vector, find its multiple-charged species in the vector. } \usage{ is.multiple(v, k = 2, eps = 0.003) } \arguments{ \item{v}{a vector of polypeptides.} \item{k}{a vector of integers, that is, multiples of interest.} \item{eps}{a user specified precision of peak position.} } \details{ If abs(v-k*u)/v <= eps, then v is considered to be u with k charges. } \value{ A list named with the m/z values of polypeptides who have multiple-charged species; each component is a named vector of polypeptides with number of charges as names. } \examples{ bmks <- c(2360.25, 2666.34, 3055.72, 3058.04, 3776.94, 3778.24, 3779.53, 4712.37,7559.76, 4587.03, 4589.88, 9155.59, 13298.7) is.multiple(bmks, k=2:5) } \keyword{arith}