\name{getPeaks2} \alias{getPeaks2} \title{Quantify peaks for individual spectra.} \description{ For a vector of given peak locations, quantify peaks for individual spectra. } \usage{ getPeaks2(bseoffM, pVec, eps = 0.003) } \arguments{ \item{bseoffM}{A matrix of intensities, with rows the m/z values and columns samples. } \item{pVec}{A vector of given peak locations.} \item{eps}{Relative precision of peak location.} } \value{ A matrix of intensities with rows the peaks 'pVec' and column the samples. The m/z values of 'pVec' is stored as the 'rownames' of the returned matrix. } \details{ Each peak is expanded to an interval, eps * m/z to the left and right of the peak. Intensities of individual spectra are quantified by the maxima in this interval. } \keyword{manip}