\name{aveSpec} \alias{aveSpec} \title{Compute mean spectrum of a set of spectra} \description{ Compute mean spectrum of a set of spectra. } \usage{ aveSpec(nVec) } \arguments{ \item{nVec}{A character vector of file names.} } \details{ 'aveSpec' computes the point-wise mean of intensities of a set of spectra over the whole range of the m/z values. } \value{ A matrix with 2 columns, the first being the m/z values and the 2nd being the average of intensities corresponding to the m/z value in the first column of the same row. } \author{Xiaochun Li} \examples{ testfs <- dir(system.file("Test", package = "PROcess"), full.names=TRUE) testAve <- aveSpec(testfs) } \keyword{arith}