\name{promise.genestat} \alias{promise.genestat} \Rdversion{2.9.0} \title{ Function to Calculate PROMISE Statistics } \description{ a function to calculate individual gene and PROMISE statistics for a defined pattern of association } \usage{ promise.genestat(Y, ph.data, ph.pattern, strat = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{Y}{ a data frame with row corresponding to probe set and column corresponding to subjects, the order of column should match order of row in \emph{ph.data}. } \item{ph.data}{ a data frame with rows corresponding to subjects and columns corresponding to endpoint variables. } \item{ph.pattern}{ a data frame with column headers: \emph{stat.coef}, \emph{stat.func}, \emph{endpt.vars}. The \emph{stat.coeff} column gives the coefficients for combining the statistics of association of genomic variable with individual endpoint variable into the ultimate PROMISE statistic. The \emph{stat.func} column gives the name of the R routine that computes the test statistic of association of the end point variables. \emph{jung.rstat} and \emph{spearman.rstat} are provided. Users can provide their own routines accordingly. The \emph{endpt.vars} column gives the name(s) of variable(s) in \emph{ph.data} needed to compute each term of the PROMISE statistic. A \bold{comma} without a space should be used to separate multiple variables that correspond to the same term in the association pattern definition. } \item{strat}{ a vector of stratum to calculate stratified statistics. The default is NULL. } } \value{ a matrix of statistics. Each row gives gene's statistics of each individual endpoint and the PROMISE analysis defined in \emph{ph.pattern}. } \references{ Pounds S, Cheng C, Cao X, Crews KR, Plunkett W, Gandhi V, Rubnitz J, Ribeiro RC, Downing JR, and Lamba J (2009) PROMISE: a tool to identify genomic features with a specific biologically interesting pattern of associations with multiple endpoint variables. Bioinformatics 25: 2013-2019 } \author{ Stan Pounds \email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Xueyuan Cao \email{xueyuan.cao@stjude.org} } \note{ a function internally called by PROMISE. } \seealso{\code{\link{PROMISE}}} \examples{ ## load sampExprSet, phPatt. data(sampExprSet) data(phPatt) Y <- exprs(sampExprSet) ph.data <- pData(phenoData(sampExprSet)) test <- promise.genestat(Y, ph.data, phPatt, strat=ph.data[, 5]) } \keyword{multivariate}