\name{avg.abs.genestat} \alias{avg.abs.genestat} \Rdversion{2.9.0} \title{ Function to Compute Gene Set Statistics } \description{ A function to calculate the mean of absolute values of statistics based on a gene set definition } \usage{ avg.abs.genestat(gene.res, probes, GS.data) } \arguments{ \item{gene.res}{ a data frame. Each row gives test statistics for a genomic variable. Each column corresponds to an endpoint variable. } \item{probes}{ a vector that links the \emph{gene.res} to \emph{GS.data}. } \item{GS.data}{ a data frame with first column for probe set identifier and second column for gene set identifier. Each row assigns a probe set to a gene set. Each probe set may be assigned to multiple gene sets or no gene set at all. } } \value{ Return a matrix of statistics. Each row gives the mean absolute value of test statistics of genes belonging to a gene set. The columns are same as in \emph{gene.res}. } \references{ Goeman JJ and Buhlmann P (2007) Analyzing gene expression data in terms of gene sets: methodological issues. Bioinformatics 23: 980-987. } \author{ Stan Pounds \email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Xueyuan Cao \email{xueyuan.cao@stjude.org} } \seealso{ \code{\link{PROMISE}} } \note{ A function internally called by \emph{PROMISE}. } \examples{ ## load sampExprSet sampGeneSet. data(sampExprSet) data(sampGeneSet) ## extract expression matrix from sampExprSet Y <- exprs(sampExprSet) probes <- rownames(Y) ## convert sampGeneSet to a data frame GS.data <- NULL for (i in 1:length(sampGeneSet)){ tt <- sampGeneSet[i][[1]] this.name <- unlist(geneIds(tt)) this.set <- setName(tt) GS.data <- rbind.data.frame(GS.data, cbind.data.frame(featureID=as.character(this.name), setID=rep(as.character(this.set), length(this.name)))) } ## Calculate the mean of absolute values of statistics ## This is only a demo, probe expression values are used ##in stead of statistics test <- avg.abs.genestat(Y, probes, GS.data) } \keyword{multivariate}