\name{statisticsForPREDAfromEset} \alias{statisticsForPREDAfromEset} \alias{statisticsForPREDAfromEset,ExpressionSet-method} \title{ function to compute a statisticsForPREDA object from an ExpressionSet object } \description{ function to compute a statisticsForPREDA object from an ExpressionSet object } \usage{ # statisticsForPREDAfromEset(.Object, pData_classColumn=NULL, # statisticType=NULL, logged=TRUE, referenceGroupLabel=NULL, # classVector=NULL, testedTail="both") statisticsForPREDAfromEset(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ Object of class ExpressionSet } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{pData_classColumn:}{ Column from pData(.Object) containig the labels for different samples classes. } \item{statisticType:}{ Stastistic for differential expression that is computed on input data. Possible values are "tstatistic", "SAM" (SAM statistical score for differential expression), "FC" (Fold Change), "FCmedian" (fold change computed on medians) } \item{logged:}{ Logical value (default TRUE) to specify if the input data are logged (Log2). This parameter will influence the computation of statistics. } \item{referenceGroupLabel:}{ Specify which class label is used for the reference sample used in computing statistics for differential expression. } \item{classVector:}{ If pData_classColumn is NULL then a vector specifying the sample classes is required and can be provided with classVector parameter } \item{testedTail:}{ Specify what tail of the distribution will be tested for significantly extreme values in PREDA analysis. Possible values are "both", "upper" or "lower". Default value is "both". } } } } \details{ An object of class ExpressionSet is used as input and gene centered statistics for differential expression are computed on the contained data. The computed statistics are used to build a StatisticsForPREDA object } \value{ An object of class StatisticsForPREDA } \author{ Francesco Ferrari } \seealso{ \code{"\linkS4class{StatisticsForPREDA}"} } \examples{ \dontrun{ require(PREDAsampledata) data(gaExpressionSetRCC) GEstatisticsForPREDA<-statisticsForPREDAfromEset( gaExpressionSetRCC, statisticType="tstatistic", referenceGroupLabel="normal", classVector=sampleinfo[,"Class"]) } }