\name{genomePlot} \alias{genomePlot} \alias{genomePlot,GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA-method} \title{ draw a genome plot } \description{ draw a genome plot with user defined genomic regions } \usage{ # genomePlot(.Object, genomicRegions=NULL, draw.blocks=TRUE, # parallel.plot=TRUE, grouping=NULL, custom.labels=NULL, # scale.positions=NULL, qval.threshold=0.05, # use.referencePositions=FALSE, smoothStatistic.tail=NULL, # smoothStatistic.threshold=NULL, region.colors=NULL, # limitChrs=NULL) genomePlot(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ Object of class GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA, or any other class exteinding this one. } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{genomicRegions:}{ A list of GenomicRegions object containing the genomic regions to be highlighted in the plot. } \item{draw.blocks:}{ If TRUE genomic regions are plotted as blocks. Otherwise they are plotted as coloured ticks. Currently only draw.blocks=TRUE is implemented. } \item{parallel.plot:}{ Logical, if TRUE multiple copies of each chrosomosome are drawn. In particular a number of copies equal to lnegth(grouping), if grouping is not null, or a number of copies equal to the number of GenomicRegions objects provided as input. } \item{grouping:}{ Vector specifying how input GenomicRegions objects will be grouped on chromosomes. } \item{custom.labels:}{ A character to specify user defined labels for vertical axis } \item{scale.positions:}{ Parameter to set the scale for chromosomal positions (horizontal axis). Possible values are "Mb" or "Kb" } \item{qval.threshold:}{ If genomicRegions is NULL, and a PREDAResults or PREDADataAndResults is provided as input, the function PREDAResults2GenomcRegions is applied with this parameter to extract significant GenomicRegions. } \item{use.referencePositions:}{ If genomicRegions is NULL, and a PREDAResults or PREDADataAndResults is provided as input, the function PREDAResults2GenomcRegions is applied with this parameter to extract significant GenomicRegions. } \item{smoothStatistic.tail:}{ If genomicRegions is NULL, and a PREDAResults or PREDADataAndResults is provided as input, the function PREDAResults2GenomcRegions is applied with this parameter to extract significant GenomicRegions. } \item{smoothStatistic.threshold:}{ If genomicRegions is NULL, and a PREDAResults or PREDADataAndResults is provided as input, the function PREDAResults2GenomcRegions is applied with this parameter to extract significant GenomicRegions. } \item{region.colors:}{ Character vector specifyin the list of colors to be used for drawing each set of GenomicRegions. Mut be of length equal to the number of GenomicRegions objects provided as input. } \item{limitChrs:}{ Numeric vector, that can be used to limit the plot to a subset of chromosomes. } } } } \details{ See also the PREDA tutorial vignette for more details and sample usage } \value{ A plot of the genome with significant GenomicRegions } \author{ Francesco Ferrari } \seealso{ \code{\link{PREDAResults2GenomicRegions}}, \code{\linkS4class{PREDAResults}}, \code{\linkS4class{PREDADataAndResults}}, \code{\linkS4class{GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA}} } \examples{ ## See PREDA tutorial vignette for some examples }