\name{analysesNames} \alias{analysesNames} \alias{analysesNames,StatisticsForPREDA-method} \alias{analysesNames,PREDAResults-method} \title{ Get the names of the analyses in the from PREDA objects } \description{ Get the names of the analyses in the from StatisticsForPREDA objects, PREDAResults objects and objects from classes extending these classes. } \usage{ analysesNames(.Object) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ an object of class StatisticsForPREDA, PREDAResults or any other class extending these classes } } \value{ Character vector of analysesNames } \author{ Francesco Ferrari } \seealso{ \code{"\linkS4class{StatisticsForPREDA}"}, \code{"\linkS4class{PREDAResults}"} } \examples{ require(PREDAsampledata) data(SODEGIRGEanalysisResults) analysesNames(SODEGIRGEanalysisResults) }