\name{StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg} \alias{StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg} \alias{StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg,DataForPREDA-method} \alias{StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg,StatisticsForPREDA-method} \title{ filter statistics to remove selected analyses } \description{ filter statistics to remove selected analyses } \usage{ # StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg(.Object, analysesToRemove, # analysesAsNames=FALSE) StatisticsForPREDAFilterColumns_neg(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ An object of class StatisticsForPREDA } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{analysesToRemove:}{ Analysis statistics columns to be removed after filtering } \item{analysesAsNames:}{ Logical, if TRUE analyses are listed as their character names. If FALSE they can be listed as numeric indexes. } } } }