\name{PREDAResults2GenomicRegionsSingle} \alias{PREDAResults2GenomicRegionsSingle} \alias{PREDAResults2GenomicRegionsSingle,PREDAResults-method} \title{ identify significant genomic regions from a single analysis in a PREDAResults object } \description{ identify significant genomic regions from a single analysis in a PREDAResults object } \usage{ # PREDAResults2GenomicRegionsSingle(.Object, # qval.threshold=0.05, analysisName=NULL, # use.referencePositions=TRUE, smoothStatistic.tail=NULL, # smoothStatistic.threshold=NULL) PREDAResults2GenomicRegionsSingle(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ Object of class PREDAResults or PREDADataAndResults } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{qval.threshold:}{ q-value threshold used to identify significant genomic regions } \item{analysisName:}{ name of the analysis to be considered } \item{use.referencePositions:}{ Logical, if TRUE the input reference positions used for PREDA analysis wil be used to identify significant genomic regions boundaries as well. } \item{smoothStatistic.tail:}{ Possible values are "upper" or "lower". This parameter specify if only one tail of the smoothed statististic distribution must be considered. If it is NULL, both tails are used and smoothStatistic.threshold is ignored. } \item{smoothStatistic.threshold:}{ Threshold on smoothStatistic values to select significant genomic regions. } } } }