\name{MergeStatisticAnnotations2DataForPREDA} \alias{MergeStatisticAnnotations2DataForPREDA} \title{ Merge a StatisticsForPREDA and a GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA object into a DataForPREDA object. } \description{ This function merges a StatisticsForPREDA and a GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA object into a DataForPREDA object } \usage{ MergeStatisticAnnotations2DataForPREDA(StatisticsForPREDAObject, GenomicAnnotationsForPREDAObject, sortAndCleanNA = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, MedianCenter = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{StatisticsForPREDAObject}{ An object of class StatisticsForPREDA } \item{GenomicAnnotationsForPREDAObject}{ An object of class GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA } \item{sortAndCleanNA}{ Logical, if TRUE, genomic annotations are sorted for chromosome and genomic position then ids with NA positinal annotations are removed } \item{quiet}{ Logical, if TRUE messages reporting the number of unmatched ids are suppressed. } \item{MedianCenter}{ Logical, if TRUE data are normalized per median sample. } } \value{ An object of class DataForPREDA } \author{ Francesco Ferrari }