\name{GenomicAnnotationsFromLibrary} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsFromLibrary} \title{ Function extracting a GenomicAnnotations object from a Bioconductor annotation library } \description{ Function extracting a GenomicAnnotations object from a Bioconductor annotation library } \usage{ GenomicAnnotationsFromLibrary(annotLibrary, probeIDs = NULL, retain.chrs = NULL, optionalAnnotations = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{annotLibrary}{ Character string containing the name of the annotations library to be used for building the GenomicAnnotations object } \item{probeIDs}{ Optional: list of reference id from the selected annotLibrary to be used for building the GenomicAnnotations object } \item{retain.chrs}{ Numeric vector, containing the list of chromosomes selected for the output GenomicAnnotations object. E.g. set retain.chrs=1:22 to limit the GenomicAnnotations object to chromosomes from 1 to 22. This might be ueseful to limit GenomiAnnotations objects to autosomic chromosomes. } \item{optionalAnnotations}{ Character vector to select additional annotations fields to be included into the GenomicAnnotations object. } } \value{ An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{GenomicAnnotations}"} } \author{ Francesco Ferrari } \seealso{ \code{"\linkS4class{GenomicAnnotations}"} } \examples{ \dontrun{ GEGenomicAnnotations<-GenomicAnnotationsFromLibrary(annotLibrary= "org.Hs.eg.db", retain.chrs=1:22) # with optional annotations Genesymbols and EntrezGeneIDs GEGenomicAnnotations<-GenomicAnnotationsFromLibrary(annotLibrary= "gahgu133plus2.db", retain.chrs=1:22, optionalAnnotations=c("SYMBOL", "ENTREZID")) } }