\name{GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos,DataForPREDA-method} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos,GenomicAnnotations-method} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos,GenomicAnnotationsForPREDA-method} \title{ filter annotations to keep selected chromosomes } \description{ filter annotations to keep selected chromosomes } \usage{ # GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos(.Object, chrToRetain, chrAsLabels=FALSE) GenomicAnnotationsFilter_pos(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ An object of class GenomicAnnotations or classes inheriting from GenomicAnnotations } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{chrToRetain:}{ List of chromosomes to be maintained after removing the annotations for all the other chromosomes. } \item{chrAsLabels:}{ Logical, TRUE if chromosomes are listed as their character labels, instead of using the numeric indexes } } } }