\name{GenomicAnnotationsExtract} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsExtract} \alias{GenomicAnnotationsExtract,GenomicAnnotations-method} \title{ extract optional annotations for a specific region } \description{ extract optional annotations for a specific region } \usage{ # GenomicAnnotationsExtract(.Object, chr, start, end, # AnnotationsHeader=NULL, sep.character="; ", # complete.inclusion=FALSE, skipSorting=FALSE, # annotationAsRange=FALSE, getJustFeaturesNumber=FALSE) GenomicAnnotationsExtract(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ An object of class GenomicAnnotations } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{chr:}{ Coordinate for the selected genomic region } \item{start:}{ Coordinate for the selected genomic region } \item{end:}{ Coordinate for the selected genomic region } \item{AnnotationsHeader:}{ Character or numeric vector to select the annotations columns to be considered } \item{sep.character:}{ Character used to separate annotated features in the ouptput } \item{complete.inclusion:}{ Logical, if TRUE only annotated features completely included in the region are reported. If FALSE (default), every overlapping the feature is considered. } \item{skipSorting:}{ Logical, if TRUE, annotation sorting is skipped before processing output (to save computational time, e.g. in a long loop) } \item{annotationAsRange:}{ If TRUE, then only the first and last annotated element in the region are reported } \item{getJustFeaturesNumber:}{ Logical: if TRUE, just the number of annotated features in the region is returned } } } } \details{ Extract annotations associated to a specific genomic region from a GenomiAnnotations object. Only annotations from the specified columns are returned. } \value{ A character vector is returned } \seealso{ \code{"\linkS4class{GenomicAnnotations}"} }