\name{GenomicAnnotations2reference_positions} \alias{GenomicAnnotations2reference_positions} \alias{GenomicAnnotations2reference_positions,GenomicAnnotations-method} \title{ extract reference positions from the GenomicAnnotations } \description{ extract from the GenomicAnnotations object a vector containing a vector with reference positions } \usage{ # GenomicAnnotations2reference_positions(.Object, # reference_position_type=c("start", "end", "median", "strand.start", "strand.end"), # withnames=TRUE) GenomicAnnotations2reference_positions(.Object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{.Object}{ Object of class GenomicAnnotations } \item{\dots}{ See below \describe{ \item{reference_position_type:}{ Specify which genomic coordinate must be used as reference position for PREDA analysis. Possible values are "start", "end", "median", "strand.start" or "strand.end". "strand.start" is strand specific start: i.e. start on positive strand but end on negative strand. "strand.end" is strand specific end. } \item{withnames:}{ Logical, if TRUE the "ids" slot content is used as names for the output vector } } } } \value{ A numeric vector with the selected reference positions. }