\name{convertSmc} \alias{convertSmc} \title{ Convert Entrez ID based "smc" object } \description{ This function will convert the Entrez IDs of an smc object to the corresponding Entrez IDs from a different species. Data from the homologene project is downloaded and used within this function. } \usage{ convertSmc(mcs, fromSpecies = "h", toSpecies = "r",hgX="./homologene.data") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{mcs}{ a list of "smc" objects} \item{fromSpecies}{ character - a single letter describing the species to convert from ie, h=human, r= rat, etc..} \item{toSpecies}{ character - a single letter describing the species to convert to ie, h=human, r= rat, etc.. } \item{hgX}{ character - file name of homologene data file } } \details{ This function will not work if you have not downloaded the homologene data file. Please use this command to do so: download.file("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/HomoloGene/current/homologene.data",destfile="homologene.data",mode="wb") } \value{ a list of converted "smc" objects } \author{ Karl Dykema } \examples{ \dontrun{ download.file("ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/HomoloGene/current/homologene.data",destfile="homologene.data",mode="wb") datadir <- system.file("extdata", package = "PGSEA") sample <- readGmt(file.path(datadir, "sample.gmt")) converted <- convertSmc(sample[1:2],"h","r") str(converted) } } \keyword{ manip }