\name{print.OrderedList} \alias{print.OrderedList} \title{ Printing Function for OrderedList Objects } \description{ The function provides some information about objects that were generated by function \code{\link{OrderedList}}. } \usage{ \method{print}{OrderedList}(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ An object of class \code{OrderedList}. } \item{...}{ Further printing arguments. } } \value{ No value is returned. } \references{ Yang X, Bentink S, Scheid S, and Spang R (2006): Similarities of ordered gene lists, to appear in \emph{Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology}. } \author{ Stefanie Scheid } \seealso{ \code{\link{OrderedList}} } \examples{ data(OL.result) OL.result } \keyword{ print }