\name{other_functions} \title{Other functions} \alias{getOTUs} \alias{getSamples} \alias{o_diversity} \alias{o_estimateR} \alias{otuseqplot} \alias{otusize} \alias{otuspersample} \alias{rseqplot} \alias{seqspersample} \alias{sharedotus} \description{ These are other functions available. Caution is advised when using them. Some are still in development and others only work on specific objects (OTUset or TAXset). } \usage{ getOTUs(object, colnum, value, exact) getSamples(object, colnum, value, exact) o_diversity(object, ...) o_estimateR(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An OTUset or a TAXset object.} \item{colnum}{The column of the \code{sampleData} or \code{assignmentData} dataframe that contains the value.} \item{value}{The desired value.} \item{exact}{If exact=T \code{value} must match perfectly. If exact=F \code{value} will grep instead of match. } \item{...}{Other arguments. Often these are passed to \code{abundance}} } \details{ \itemize{ \item{getOTUs}{ Returns OTU names that match given values in the assignmentData dataframe.} \item{getSamples}{ Returns sample names that match given values in the sampleData dataframe.} \item{o_diversity}{ Wrapper for vegan's diversity function.} \item{o_estimateR}{ Wrapper for vegan's estimateR function.} \item{otuseqplot}{ Plots the samples acording to number of OTUs and number of sequences.} \item{otusize}{ Returns the size of each OTU.} \item{otuspersample}{ Lists the number of OTUs in each sample.} \item{rseqplot}{ Plots the samples by estimated richness and number of sequences.} \item{seqspersample}{ Returns the number of sequences in each sample.} \item{sharedotus}{ Returns the number of OTUs shared between samples.} } } \examples{ ## locate directory with data dirPath <- system.file("extdata/Sogin_2006", package="OTUbase") ## read in data into OTUset object soginOTU <- readOTUset(dirPath=dirPath, level="0.03", samplefile="sogin.groups", fastafile="sogin.fasta", otufile="sogin.unique.filter.fn.list", sampleADF="sample_metadata.txt") getSamples(soginOTU, colnum="Site", value="Labrador", exact=FALSE) o_estimateR(soginOTU) }