\name{fgbg.visu} \alias{fgbg.visu} \title{Visualisation of foreground and background fluorescence spot intensities in both channels} \description{This function generates 2D-plots of the foreground, background and background corrected fluorescence intensities of channel 1 and of channel 2, respectively. } \usage{fgbg.visu(obj,label)} \arguments{\item{obj}{object of class \dQuote{marrayRaw}} \item{label}{character string for labelling. It will be added to the title of the first sub-plot.} } \details{The function \code{fgbg.visu} produces 2D-representations of the foreground and background intensities for both fluorescence channels (as stored in \code{obj}). Additionally, a plot of the difference between fore- and background intensities is generated (\emph{background-corrected intensities}). All intensities are log2-transformed. The colour range for plotting is defined by 0 and the maximum of the logged intensity for each sub-graph separately.} \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link[marray:marrayRaw-class]{marrayRaw}}} \examples{ # LOADING RAW DATA data(sw) # PLOTTING fgbg.visu(sw[,1]) } \keyword{hplot}