\name{colorbar.mxy.abs} \alias{colorbar.mxy.abs} \title{Generates a colour bar} \description{Generates colour bar for 2D plots of absolute values} \usage{colorbar.mxy.abs(color.lim,color="red", ylab="",ylablim=FALSE)} \arguments{\item{color.lim}{limits for colour range} \item{color}{colour to be used: \dQuote{red} or \dQuote{green}} \item{ylab}{label of y-axis} \item{ylablim}{If TRUE, the axis annotation consists only of the limits of the colour range.} } \details{The function \code{colorbar.mxy.abs} is a modification of \code{colorbar.mxy} to provide colour-bars for MXY plots of absolutes values. It is used in function \code{\link{mxy.abs.plot}}. Further details can be found at \code{\link{colorbar.mxy}}. } \author{Matthias E. Futschik (\url{http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~futschik})} \seealso{\code{\link{mxy.abs.plot}}, \code{\link{colorbar.mxy}}, \code{\link{colorbar.sig}}} \keyword{hplot}