\name{replaceNAs} \alias{replaceNAs} \alias{replaceNAs,qPCRBatch-method} \title{ Replace NAs with a given value } \description{ Replace NAs with a given value } \usage{ replaceNAs(qPCRBatch, \dots) \S4method{replaceNAs}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, newNA) } \arguments{ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.} \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below} \item{newNA}{ The new value to replace the NAs with} } \details{ Replaces NA values in the exprs slot of the qPCRBatch object with a given number } \value{ qPCRBatch object with a new exprs slot } %\references{ } \author{ James Perkins \email{jperkins@biochem.ucl.ac.uk}} %\note{} %\seealso{} \examples{ path <- system.file("exData", package = "NormqPCR") taqman.example <- file.path(path, "example.txt") qPCRBatch.taqman <- read.taqman(taqman.example) qPCRBatch.taqman.replaced <- replaceNAs(qPCRBatch.taqman, newNA = 40) exprs(qPCRBatch.taqman.replaced)["Ccl20.Rn00570287_m1",] } \keyword{data}