\name{combineTechReps} \alias{combineTechReps} \alias{combineTechReps,qPCRBatch-method} \title{ Combines Technical Replicates } \description{ Takes expression set of qPCR values containing technical replicates and combines them. } \usage{ combineTechReps(qPCRBatch, \dots) \S4method{combineTechReps}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, calc="arith") } \arguments{ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data, read in by a ReadqPCR function and containing technical reps, denoted by \code{_TechRep.n} suffix. } \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below } \item{calc}{ use median, arithmetic or geometric mean for combining the values} } \details{ Takes \code{exprs} of qPCR values containing technical replicates and combines them using a specified centrality measure. } \value{ \code{qPCRBatch} with same number of samples, but with less features, since all technical replicates are replaced with a single value of their means. } %\references{ } \author{ James Perkins \email{jperkins@biochem.ucl.ac.uk}} %\note{} %\seealso{} \examples{ path <- system.file("exData", package = "NormqPCR") qPCR.example.techReps <- file.path(path, "qPCR.techReps.txt") qPCRBatch.qPCR.techReps <- read.qPCR(qPCR.example.techReps) rownames(exprs(qPCRBatch.qPCR.techReps)) combinedTechReps <- combineTechReps(qPCRBatch.qPCR.techReps) rownames(exprs(combinedTechReps)) } \keyword{data}