\name{NTW} \alias{NTW} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Estimation of gene interaction matrix A and perturbation targets matrix P } \description{ This function is used to estimate the whole gene interaction matrix \emph{A} and the perturbation targets matrix \emph{P}, row-wise, using the NTW algorithm (see \emph{reference}), based on ODE method. In this method, the linearized ODE can solved using 3 regression methods: \emph{geo}, \emph{sse} and \emph{ml}. In order to save computation time, and improve results, NTW offers the opportunity to input gene association information output from other algorithms or from the literature. The non-null regressors in the gene association network will help fix the regressors to be estimated in the final matrix \emph{A}. Two ways are supplied to use the non-zero information, namely \emph{forward} and \emph{backward} approaches. In the "backward" pattern, only the non-zero positions in the prior gene association network will be used as regressors in \emph{A}. While in the "forward" pattern, both these non-zero positions and some other possible positions (depending on \emph{restK} ) in \emph{A} are used as regressors. } \usage{ NTW(X, restK, topD, topK = NULL, P.known = NULL, cFlag, pred.net = NULL, sup.drop = -1, numP = NULL, noiseLevel = 0.1) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{X}{ Gene expression data, a matrix with genes as rows and perturbations as columns. } \item{restK}{ A vector (length equals to nrow(A)) with each element to indicate the number of non-zero regressors in the corresponding row of \emph{A}. } \item{topD}{ A parameter in NTW algorithm for keeping the top \emph{topD} combinations of non-zero regressors of a single row in \emph{A}, see \emph{vignette} for details. } \item{topK}{ The number of possible targets of the perturbations, used for pre-estimate the perturbation targets matrix \emph{P} . } \item{P.known}{ A known P matrix with the same dimensions of \emph{X}.} \item{cFlag}{ A flag to tell the regression methods, "geo" for geometric mean method, "sse" for sum of square method and "ml" for maximum likelihood method. } \item{pred.net}{ A matrix with the same dimensions of \emph{A} for the prior gene association information. Default is NULL. } \item{sup.drop}{ An indication to show the pattern for using the prior gene association information. \emph{1} for "forward" pattern and \emph{-1} for "backward" pattern. } \item{numP}{ A number set to limit the possibilities that one gene will be targeted by perturbations. That is at most \emph{numP} perturbations can directly perturb one gene. } \item{noiseLevel}{ Only used in \emph{ml} method, to indicate the noise level in each perturbed experiment. } } \value{ \item{ est.A }{ Estimated gene interaction matrix \emph{A}, with genes as rows and columns.} \item{ est.P }{ Estimated perturbation targets matrix \emph{P}, with genes as rows and perturbations as columns. } } \references{ Applied method for the inference of gene networks: the bifidobacterium case. to be submitted } \author{ Wei Xiao, Yin Jin, Darong Lai, Xinyi Yang,Yuanhua Liu, Christine Nardini } \examples{ ##NTW testing without prior gene association information, regression is done by "sse"## data(sos.data) X<-sos.data X<-as.matrix(X) restK=rep(ncol(X)-1, nrow(X)) topD = round(0.6*nrow(X)) topK = round(0.5*nrow(X)) numP = round(0.25*nrow(X)) result<-NTW(X, restK, topD, topK, P.known=NULL, cFlag="sse", pred.net = NULL, sup.drop = -1,numP, noiseLevel=0.1) result$est.A result$est.P ##NTW testing with prior gene association information, regression is done by "geo"## pred.net<-matrix(round(runif(nrow(X)*nrow(X), min=0, max=1)), nrow(X), nrow(X)) result<-NTW(X, restK, topD, topK, P.known=NULL, cFlag="geo", pred.net, sup.drop = -1,numP, noiseLevel=0.1) result$est.A result$est.P } \keyword{ arith }