\name{mulPermC} \alias{mulPermC} \title{MulCom Permutation} \description{ R pipe to C function not called directly by user that reiterate MulCom Test on permutated data to perform Monte Carlo simulation } \usage{ mulPermC(eset, index, means, mse, n, m, nump, ngroups, reference) } \arguments{ \item{eset}{An an \code{\link[affy:AffyBatch-class]{AffyBatch}} object, each row of must correspond to a variable and each column to a sample.} \item{index}{a numeric vector of length ncol(data) with the labels of the samples. 0 are the reference samples.} \item{means}{entry for the means output.} \item{mse}{entry for the mean square errors output} \item{n}{number of rows in obext of class eset} \item{m}{number of columns} \item{nump}{number of permutation to perform} \item{ngroups}{a number corresponding to the number of groups in the analysis.} \item{reference}{reference for the comparisons. typically it is 0} } \details{ \code{mulPerm} } \examples{ data(benchVign) } \author{Claudio Isella, \email{claudio.isella@ircc.it}} \keyword{MulCom}