\name{mulParOpt} \alias{mulParOpt} \title{MulCom Parameters Optimization} \description{MulCom parameter optimization function to identify best combination of t and m providing maximum number of genes at a given FDR} \usage{ mulParOpt(perm, M.Opt, ind, th, image = "T") } \arguments{ \item{perm}{a object with permutated MulCom Scores} \item{M.Opt}{an MulCom optimization object} \item{ind}{index corresponding to the comparison to plot} \item{th}{a threshold for the FDR plot} \item{image}{default = "T", indicates is print the MulCom optimization plot} } \details{ \code{mulParOpt} The function mulParOpt is designed to identify the optimal m and t values combination leading to the maximum number of differentially regulated genes satisfying an user define FDR threshold. In case of equal number of genes, the combination of m and t with the lower FDR will be prioritized. In case of both identical number of genes and FDR, the function will chose the highest t. The function optionally will define a graphical output to visually inspect the performance of the test at given m and t parameters for a certain comparison. } \examples{ data(benchVign) mulcom_perm <- mulPerm(Affy, Affy$Groups, 10,2) mulcom_opt <- mulOpt(mulcom_perm, vm=seq(0.1, 0.5, 0.1), vt=seq(1, 3,1)) mulParOpt(mulcom_perm, mulcom_opt, 1, 0.05) } \author{Claudio Isella, \email{claudio.isella@ircc.it}} \keyword{MulCom}