\name{mulIndex} \alias{mulIndex} \title{Mulcom Index for Monte Carlo Simlation} \description{ Random assebly of the groups indices for Monte Carlo Simulation } \usage{ mulIndex(index, np, seed) } \arguments{ \item{index}{ the vector with the groups of analysis, must be numeric and 0 correspond to the reference. } \item{np}{ number of permutation in the simulation } \item{seed}{ seed for permtations } } \value{ A matrix with all indices permutations } \details{ 'mulIndex' generates random index for the function mulPerm. it is not directly called by the user. } \examples{ data(benchVign) mulcom_scores <- mulIndex(Affy$Groups, 5, 7) } \author{Claudio Isella, \email{claudio.isella@ircc.it}} \keyword{MulCom}