\name{clustPlot} \alias{clustPlot} \title{ Plot expression profiles } \description{ Produces plots of clustered expression profiles, with seperate plots for each cluster. The average expression profile for each cluster is superimposed as well. } \usage{ clustPlot(cl, mat, nrow, ncol) } \arguments{ \item{cl}{integer vector giving the cluster membership for each item } \item{mat}{matrix of values to be plotted } \item{nrow}{number of rows to use for plotting } \item{ncol}{number of columns to use for plotting } } \details{ The figure region will be subdivided into \code{nrow} by \code{ncol} separate plots, using \code{mfrow}. The average expression profile and the number of genes belonging to each cluster is superimposed on each of the plots. } \references{ G.N. Brock, V. Pihur, S. Datta, and S. Datta. clValid, an R package for cluster validation. Journal of Statistical Software, 25, 2008. } \seealso{ See the package vignette for illustration on usage } \examples{ ## generate some fake data and cluster set.seed(101) mat <- matrix(rnorm(500), nrow=100, ncol=5) clusts <- hclust(dist(mat)) cl <- cutree(clusts, 6) clustPlot(cl, mat, 3, 2) } \keyword{ cluster }