\name{checkOutliers} \docType{methods} \alias{checkOutliers} \alias{checkOutliers-methods} \alias{checkOutliers,RGList-method} \title{ Check \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} object for outlying values } \description{ Checks each of the red and green foreground and background channels in an \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} for outlying values. } \usage{ checkOutliers(obj) \S4method{checkOutliers}{RGList}(obj) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{ An \code{\link[limma:RGList-class]{RGList}} object } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(obj = "RGList")}}{} }} \details{ Detects outliers outside range of mean +/- 2.665 standard deviations. Returns the indexes of outlying observations in each channel (R,Rb and G,Gb). } \value{ Returns a list with the following components \item{Rout}{index of outliers in the red channel (\code{obj$R})} \item{Rbout}{index of outliers in the red background channel (\code{obj$Rb})} \item{Gout}{index of outliers in the green channel (\code{obj$G})} \item{Gbout}{index of outliers in the green background channel (\code{obj$Gb})} } \seealso{ \code{\link{fixOutliers}}, \code{\link{checkMVs}}, \code{\link{fixMVs}} } \examples{ data(PalateData) outliers <- checkOutliers(PalateData) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{manip} %% data manipulation