\name{xypanelMD} \alias{xypanelMD} \alias{xypanel} \title{Panel function for plotting log R ratios and B allele frequencies for a trio} \description{ This is a panel function for xyplot function in lattice that is useful for plotting log R ratios and B allele frequencies for a trio } \usage{ xypanelMD(x, y, id, gt, is.snp, range, cex, col.hom = "grey20", fill.hom = "lightblue", col.het = "grey20", fill.het = "salmon", col.np = "grey20", fill.np = "grey60", show.state = TRUE, lrr.segs, md.segs, ..., subscripts) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Physical position in MB. } \item{y}{ Either the log R ratios, minimum distance, or B allele frequency. } \item{id}{ The id for the trio. } \item{gt}{ Genotype call (if available) } \item{is.snp}{ Indicator for whether the marker is polymorphic. } \item{range}{ A genomic interval of class \code{RangedDataHMM}. } \item{cex}{Size of plotting symbols. } \item{col.hom}{ Color for homozygous genotypes. } \item{fill.hom}{ Fill color for homozygous genotypes (ignored for some plotting symbols). } \item{col.het}{ Color for heterozygous genotypes. } \item{fill.het}{ Fill color for heterozygous genotypes (ignored for some plotting symbols). } \item{col.np}{ Color for nonpolymorphic markers } \item{fill.np}{ Fill color for nonpolymorphic markers (ignored for some plotting symbols). } \item{show.state}{ Whether to display the inferred copy number state stored in the object passed to the \code{range} argument. } \item{lrr.segs}{ Object of class \code{RangedDataCBS} containing the results of the CBS segmentation of the log R ratios. Optional } \item{md.segs}{ Object of class \code{RangedDataCBS} containing the results of the CBS segmentation of the minimum distance. Optional } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to panel.xyplot. } \item{subscripts}{ See lattice xyplot. } } \details{ This function is not typically called directly, but is passed to the \code{panel} argument in the \code{xyplot} method. } \value{ Nothing is returned. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{xyplot}}, \code{\link{xypanel}}, \code{\link{panel.xyplot}} } \examples{ library(oligoClasses) data(trioSetListExample) trioSet <- stack(trioSetList) mindist(trioSet) <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSet)) data(map.segs) data(lrr.segs) data(md.segs) ## select a range with a possible de novo copy number alteration in the offspring rd <- map.segs[which(isDenovo(state(map.segs)))[1], ] figs <- MinimumDistance:::xyplotTrioLrrBaf(rd=rd, object=trioSet, frame=200e3, ylab="log R ratio and BAFs", xlab="physical position", panel=MinimumDistance:::xypanelTrioBaf, scales=list(y=list(alternating=1)), lrr.segments=lrr.segs, md.segments=md.segs, layout=c(1, 4), ylim=c(-3,1.5), par.strip.text=list(lines=0.8, cex=0.6)) } \keyword{dplot} \keyword{color}