\name{isDenovo} \alias{isDenovo} \title{Indicator for whether a trio copy number state is a de novo copy number alteration. } \description{Return an indicator for a de novo copy number alteration.} \usage{ isDenovo(states) } \arguments{ \item{states}{a string with 3 characters. Character elements 1-3 indicate the copy number state for the father, mother, and offspring, respectively. See Details. } } \details{ We consider a copy number alteration occurring in the offspring that is not present in either parent to be de novo, irrespective of whether the copy number alteration is transmitted by a Mendelian mechanism. Each segment is assigned a trio copy number state by a 3 digit integer code that indicates the copy number state for the father, mother, and offspring. For example, '332' indicates copy number 2 in the mother and father (state '3') and a hemizygous deletion in the offspring (state '2'). See \code{computeBayesFactor} for details. A subset of the possible states, such as '332', is considered de novo. } \value{ Logical } \author{ Rob Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{computeBayesFactor}}. See \code{\link{state}} for the accessor to extract the trio copy number state. } \examples{ library(oligoClasses) isDenovo(c(333, 332, 311, 334, 344)) data(map.segs) table(isDenovo(state(map.segs))) sts <- unique(state(map.segs)) sts[isDenovo(sts)] } \keyword{manip} % Sam I am