\name{computeBayesFactor} \alias{computeBayesFactor} \title{Compute Bayes factors for minimum distance segments } \description{ Estimate the trio copy number state for each minimum distance segment using the maximum a posterior probability. The posterior probability of the normal state is also returned. } \usage{ computeBayesFactor(object, ranges, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A object of class \code{TrioSetList} or \code{TrioSet}. } \item{ranges}{ A \code{RangedDataCBS} object. } \item{\dots}{Additional arguments specified in the methods for \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}} and \code{\linkS4class{TrioSetList}}.} } \value{ A object of class \code{RangedDataCBS}. } \references{ The posterior calling is an extension of the joint HMM described in Wang et al, 2008 Nucleic Acids Research. } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{TrioSetList}}, \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}} \code{\linkS4class{RangedDataCBS}}, \code{\link{calculateMindist}} } \examples{ library(MinimumDistance) library(oligoClasses) foreach::registerDoSEQ() data(trioSetListExample) data(md.segs) data(lrr.segs) mdlist <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSetList)) mads.md <- mad2(mdlist, byrow=FALSE) md.segs2 <- narrow(md.segs, lrr.segs, mad.minimumdistance=mads.md, thr=0.8) map.segs <- computeBayesFactor(trioSetList, ranges=md.segs2) } \keyword{htest}