\name{annotatedDataFrameFrom-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom-methods} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom,array,ANY-method} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom,ff_array,ANY-method} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom,ff_matrix,ANY-method} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom,matrix,ANY-method} \alias{annotatedDataFrameFrom,Pedigree,logical-method} \title{Methods for creating AnnotatedDataFrame objects } \description{ Methods for creating AnnotatedDataFrame objects in the package \pkg{MinimumDistance}. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "array", byrow = "ANY")}}{ Creates an AnnotatedDataFrame from an \code{array}. \code{byrow} is ignored. } \item{\code{signature(object = "ff_array", byrow = "ANY")}}{ Creates an AnnotatedDataFrame from an \code{ff_array}. \code{byrow} is ignored. } \item{\code{signature(object = "ff_matrix", byrow = "ANY")}}{ Creates an AnnotatedDataFrame from an \code{ff_matrix}. \code{byrow} is ignored. } \item{\code{signature(object = "Pedigree", byrow = "logical")}}{ Creates an AnnotatedDataFrame from an object of class \code{Pedigree}. } }} \section{Usage}{ \describe{ When object is of class \code{Pedigree}, an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} containing phenotypic information on the father, mother, or offspring can be specified by the argument \code{which}. \item{}{\code{annotatedDataFrameFrom(object, byrow, sample.sheet, which=c("offspring", "father", "mother"), row.names=NULL, ...)}: A \code{data.frame} containing phenotypic information on the samples can be passed to this method through the argument \code{sample.sheet}. The \code{sample.sheet} can contain phenotypic information on all the samples. Only the rows relevant to the offspring, for example, will be included when instantating an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} when \code{which} is "offspring". When \code{sample.sheet} is \code{missing}, an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} with zero rows will be instantiated. When \code{sample.sheet} is not missing, \code{row.names} must be specified. The \code{row.names} are the identifiers for each row in \code{sample.sheet} and are matched to sample identifiers stored in \code{object}. } } } \keyword{methods}