\name{Pedigree-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{Pedigree-class} \alias{allNames,Pedigree-method} \alias{dim,Pedigree-method} \alias{fatherNames,Pedigree-method} \alias{initialize,Pedigree-method} \alias{motherNames,Pedigree-method} \alias{offspringNames,Pedigree-method} \alias{trios,Pedigree-method} \alias{[,Pedigree-method} %\alias{xsegment,TrioSet,Pedigree-method} \title{Container for storing pedigree information} \description{ Container for storing familial information for father, mother, offspring trios. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ See the examples for instantiating a \code{Pedigree} object. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{trios}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} ~~ } \item{\code{trioIndex}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} ~~ } } } \section{Accessors}{ \describe{ In the following code descriptions, \code{object} is an instance of the \code{Pedigree} class: \item{}{\code{allNames(object)}: character vector of unique sample ids. Note that the length of this vector is not necessarily a multiple of 3 if some parents have multiple offspring.} \item{}{\code{annotatedDataFrameFrom(object, byrow=FALSE, sample.sheet, which=c("offspring", "father", "mother"), row.names=NULL, ...)}: Create an AnnotatedDataFrame for the father, mother or, offspring (depending on value of argument \code{which}). Optionally, a \code{data.frame} of covariates for the samples can be passed as an argument to \code{sample.sheet}. If \code{sample.sheet} is not missing, \code{row.names} can not be \code{NULL}.} \item{}{\code{dim(object)}: Returns an integer vector of length 2: the first element is the number of trios; the second element is 3.} \item{}{\code{fatherNames(object)}: character vector of father ids (not necessarily unique).} \item{}{\code{motherNames(object)}: character vector of mother ids (not necessarily unique).} \item{}{\code{offspringNames(object)}: character vector of offspring ids (must be unique).} \item{}{\code{trios(object)}: \code{data.frame} of sample ids. Each row in the \code{data.frame} contains the ids of father, mother, and offspring, respectively.} \item{}{\code{object[i, ]}: subset the Pedigree by trio index \code{i}.} } } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{Pedigree}} \code{\link{annotatedDataFrameFrom}} } \examples{ showClass("Pedigree") ## an empty container Pedigree() } \keyword{classes}