\name{removeReporters-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{removeReporters-methods} \alias{removeReporters} \title{ Removes reporter ion tag peaks } \description{ This methods sets all the reporter tag ion peaks from one MS2 spectrum or all the MS2 spectra of an experiment to 0. Reporter data is specified using an \code{"\linkS4class{ReporterIons}"} instance. The peaks are selected around the expected reporter ion m/z value +/- the reporter width. Optionally, the spectrum/spectra can be \code{cleaned} to remove successive 0 intensity data points (see the \code{\link{clean}} function for details). Note that this method only works for MS2 spectra or experiments that contain MS2 spectra. It will fail for MS1 spectrum. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "MSnExp", reporters = "ReporterIons", clean = "logical", verbose = "logical" )}}{ The reporter ion peaks defined in the \code{reporters} instance of all the MS2 spectra of the \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} instance are set to 0 and, if \code{clean} is set to \code{TRUE}, cleaned. The default value of \code{reporters} is \code{NULL}, which leaves the spectra as unchanged. The \code{verbose} parameter (default is \code{TRUE}) defines whether a progress bar should be showed. } \item{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum", reporters = "ReporterIons", clean = "FALSE")}}{ The reporter ion peaks defined in the \code{reporters} instance of MS2 \code{"\linkS4class{Spectrum}"} instance are set to 0 and, if \code{clean} is set to \code{TRUE}, cleaned. The default value of \code{reporters} is \code{NULL}, which leaves the spectrum as unchanged. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{ \code{\link{clean}} and \code{\link{removePeaks}} for other spectra processing methods. } \examples{ sp1 <- itraqdata[[1]] sp2 <- removeReporters(sp1,reporters=iTRAQ4) sel <- mz(sp1) > 114 & mz(sp1) < 114.2 mz(sp1)[sel] intensity(sp1)[sel] plot(sp1,full=TRUE,reporters=iTRAQ4) intensity(sp2)[sel] plot(sp2,full=TRUE,reporters=iTRAQ4) } \keyword{methods}