\name{readIspyData} \alias{readIspyData} \concept{MSnSet} \title{ Reads an ispy2 result spread sheet and creates a fully featured 'MSnSet' instance. } \description{ Reads an ispy2 tab-delimited spreadsheet and generates the corresponding \code{\linkS4class{MSnSet}} object. } \usage{ readIspyData(file = "ispy_results.tsv", uniquePeps = TRUE, pep = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE, min.int = 0, reporters = 19:23, keepAll = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{file}{A \code{character}, indicating the file name to be read in. Default is "ispy_results.tsv".} \item{uniquePeps}{A \code{logical}, indicating whether only unique peptides should be included. Default is TRUE. } \item{pep}{A \code{numeric} indicating the posterior error probability threshold for peptides to be considered correctly identified. Default is 0.05. } \item{na.rm}{A \code{logical} indicating whether reporter ions containing one or more NA values should be excluded. Default is TRUE. } \item{min.int}{A \code{numeric} indicating the minimal summed intensity threshold for reporter data to be imported. Default is 0. Note that 'NA' values are excluded when summing the values. } \item{reporters}{A \code{numeric} indicating column indices of reporter ions quantitation data. Default is \code{19:23} for iTRAQ 4-plex. } % \item{skipFillUp}{A \code{numeric} indicating which column not to fill % up. Generally the column following the reporter ions quantitation % data. Default is 24.} % \item{fillUp}{A \code{logical} specifying if empty cells should be % filled up using their upper neighbour value. Default is FALSE, and % warnings are thrown if NA's are found. % This can be set to TRUE for older ispy result sheets, were protein % accession numbers, description,... and other shared fields were not % repeated across multiple lines. However, if one of these fields is % marked NA (for instance a protein without description), the value of % the previous protein will be copied (which is obviously a bug and % will be fixed.)} \item{keepAll}{A \code{logical} that defines whether all features of the ispy result should be imported. If 'TRUE', 'pep', 'na.rm' and 'min.int' are ignored. This is equivalent to 'pep=1', 'na.rm=FALSE' and 'min.int=0'. Default is 'FALSE'. } \item{verbose}{A \code{logical} indicating whether verbose output is to be printed out. } } \value{ An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}. } \references{ Ispy is a set of perl script to analyse SILAC, 15N and MSMS data developed by Phil D. Charles at CCP \url{http://www.bio.cam.ac.uk/proteomics/}. No ispy references published yet. } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{ \code{\link{readMSData}} to import raw data. } \examples{ \dontrun{ispy <- readIspyData("ispy_results.tsv")} } \keyword{ file } \keyword{ manip }