\name{plotNA-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plotNA-methods} \alias{plotNA,MSnSet-method} \alias{plotNA,matrix-method} \alias{plotNA} \alias{is.na.MSnSet} \title{Exploring missing data in 'MSnSet' instances} \description{ These methods produce plots that illustrate missing data. \code{is.na} returns the expression matrix of it \code{MSnSet} argument as a matrix of logicals referring whether the corresponding cells are \code{NA} or not. It is generally used in conjunction with \code{table} and \code{image} (see example below). The \code{plotNA} method produces plots that illustrate missing data. The completeness of the full dataset or a set of proteins (ordered by increasing NA content along the x axis) is represented. The methods make use the \code{ggplot2} system. An object of class 'ggplot' is returned invisibly. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{is.na}{\code{signature(x = "MSnSet")}}{ Returns the a matrix of logicals of dimensions \code{dim(x)} specifiying if respective values are missing in the \code{MSnSet}'s expression matrix. } \item{plotNA}{\code{signature(object = "MSnSet", pNA = "numeric")}}{ Plots missing data for an \code{MSnSet} instance. \code{pNA} is a \code{numeric} of length 1 that specifies the percentage of accepted missing data values per features. This value will be highlighted with a point on the figure, illustrating the overall percentage of NA values in the full data set and the number of proteins retained. Default is 1/2. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{ See also the \code{\link{filterNA}} method to filter out features with a specified proportion if missing values. } \examples{ xx <- quantify(itraqdata, reporters = iTRAQ4, verbose = FALSE) exprs(xx)[sample(prod(dim(xx)), 120)] <- NA head(is.na(xx)) table(is.na(xx)) image(is.na(xx)) plotNA(xx, pNA = 1/4) } \keyword{methods}