\name{plotDensity-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plotDensity-methods} \alias{plotDensity,MSnExp-method} \alias{plotDensity,data.frame-method} \alias{plotDensity} \title{The 'plotDensity' method for 'MSnExp' quality assessment} \description{ These methods plot the distribution of several parameters of interest for the different precursor charges for \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} experiment. The methods make use the \code{ggplot2} system. An object of class 'ggplot' is returned invisibly. } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} or and 'data.frame'. In the latter case, the data frame must have numerical columns named 'charge' and one of 'precursor.mz', 'peaks.count' or 'tic', depending on the \code{z} parameter. Such a data frame is typically generated using the \code{header} method on \code{"\linkS4class{MSnExp}"} object. } \item{z}{ A character indicating which parameter's densitiy to plot. One of, possibly abreviated, "tic" (total ion count), "peaks.count" (peaks count) or "precursor.mz" (precursor MZ). } \item{log}{ Logical, whether to log transform the data (default is 'FALSE'). } \item{plot}{ A logical indicating whether the plot should be printed (default is 'TRUE'). } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "MSnExp", ...)}}{ Plots a 'MSnExp' summary. } \item{\code{signature(object = "data.frame", ...)}}{ Plots a summary of the 'MSnExp' experiment described by the data frame. } } } \seealso{ The \code{\link{plot2d}} and \code{\link{plotDensity}} methods for other QC plots. } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \examples{ itraqdata plotDensity(itraqdata,z="tic") plotDensity(itraqdata,z="peaks.count") plotDensity(itraqdata,z="precursor.mz") } \keyword{methods}