\name{fillUp} \alias{fillUp} \title{ Fills up a vector } \description{ This function replaces all the empty characters \code{""} and/or \code{NA}s with the value of the closest preceding the preceding non-\code{NA}/\code{""} element. The function is used to populate dataframe or matrice columns where only the cells of the first row in a set of partially identical rows are explicitly populated and the following are empty. } \usage{ fillUp(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a vector. } } \value{ A vector as \code{x} with all empty characters \code{""} and \code{NA} values replaced by the preceding non-\code{NA}/\code{""} value. } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \examples{ d <- data.frame(protein=c("Prot1","","","Prot2","",""), peptide=c("pep11","","pep12","pep21","pep22",""), score=c(1:2,NA,1:3)) d e <- apply(d,2,fillUp) e data.frame(e) fillUp(d[,1]) }