\name{mlpBarplot} \alias{mlpBarplot} \title{Draw a Barplot for MLP Results} \usage{ mlpBarplot(object, nRow = 20, barColors = NULL, main = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class MLP} \item{nRow}{number of rows of the MLP data frame to depict in the barplot; defaults to 20.} \item{barColors}{vector of colors to use for the bars of the barplot; defaults to NULL; if NULL, three gray shades are used reflecting the proportion of tested genes of a gene set versus the total number of genes in a geneset. If the proportion exceeds 75\%, the darkest shade is used; between 50 and 75\% a moderately dark shade is used; below 50\% a lighter gray shade is used.} \item{main}{main title; if NULL (default) "Effect of the treatment on gene sets" will be used} } \value{ the midpoints of all the bars are returned invisibly (using the conventions of barplot); an MLP-specific barplot is drawn to the current device; } \description{ Draw a Barplot for MLP Results } \examples{ pathExampleMLPResult <- system.file("exampleFiles", "exampleMLPResult.rda", package = "MLP") load(pathExampleMLPResult) dev.new(width = 10, height = 10) op <- par(mar = c(30, 10, 6, 2)) mlpBarplot(exampleMLPResult) par(op) } \seealso{ barplot }