\name{addGeneSetDescription} \alias{addGeneSetDescription} \title{Utility function which adds the biological description of the gene sets as a column to the return value of the MLP function (data frame)} \usage{ addGeneSetDescription(object, geneSetSource = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{object of class 'MLP' as produced by the 'MLP' function} \item{geneSetSource}{source to be used to construct the list of pathway categories; for public data sources, the user can specify a string (one of 'GOBP', 'GOMF', 'GOCC', 'KEGG' or 'REACTOME') and BioC packages will be used to construct the list of pathway categories; for non-public data sources, the user can pass the pathway data as a dataframe with (at least) the following four columns: PATHWAYID, TAXID, PATHWAYNAME and GENEID. It is assumed all columns are of type character. The 'geneSetSource' argument should be the same as the argument provided to the getGeneSets function; defaults to NULL} } \value{ the data frame as returned by MLP enriched with an additional column geneSetDescription, providing a concise description of the gene set } \description{ Utility function which adds the biological description of the gene sets as a column to the return value of the MLP function (data frame) } \seealso{ \link{MLP} }