\name{MCRconfusion} \alias{MCRconfusion} \alias{MCRwrongsamples} \title{Summary tables for MCRestimate objects} \description{\code{MCRwrongsamples} returns a matrix with all the samples that have a higher frequency of being predicted as a member of a wrong class than of the correct class for at least one classification method. \code{MCRconfusion} summarizes the result of the vote matrices} \usage{ MCRwrongsamples(x, col.names=names(x), rownames.from.object=TRUE, subgroup=NULL, freq=FALSE) MCRconfusion(x, col.names=names(x), row.names=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{x}{List of objects of S3 class \code{MCRestimate}} \item{col.names}{Vector of strings used for column names. The length must match the number of objects in \code{x}} \item{rownames.from.object}{Logical. If TRUE then the sample names of the \code{MCRestimate} object in \code{x} are used as row names} \item{subgroup}{Logical. If TRUE then only the samples which belongs to the specified group are listed in the table} \item{freq}{Logical. If TRUE then the frequency with which each sample in the table has been misclassified will be printed.} \item{row.names}{Vector of strings used for row names. If not specified the names of the groups are used} } \value{ \code{MCRwrongsamples} returns a matrix and \code{MCRconfusion} returns a confusion matrix.} \author{Markus Ruschhaupt \url{mailto:m.ruschhaupt@dkfz.de}} \seealso{\code{\link{MCRestimate}}} \examples{ library(golubEsets) data(Golub_Train) exSet <- Golub_Train[1:500,] result1 <- MCRestimate(exSet,"ALL.AML",classification.fun="RF.wrap",cross.outer=3,cross.repeat=2) result2 <- MCRestimate(exSet,"ALL.AML",classification.fun="PAM.wrap",poss.parameters=list(threshold=c(0.5,1)),cross.inner=3,cross.outer=3,cross.repeat=2) MCRwrongsamples(list(result1,result2),subgroup="AML",col.names=c("Random Forest","PAM")) MCRconfusion(list(result1,result2),col.names=c("Random Forest","PAM")) } \keyword{file}